报告时间:2017年5月8日星期一下午3点 -- 5点
主持人:雷炳富 教授
主持人:雷炳富 教授
Chemical Bonding Effects in Complex Oxyfluorides with Transition Metals.
报告人:Dr. Victor V. Atuchin
Oxyfluorides are of strong interest for both fundamental science and emerging technologies, including nonlinear optics, solid state lighting, and photocatalysis. For over two decades, our team has been actively engaged in the study of fundamental structural and electronic properties of oxyfluorides for specific electronic and bonding effects. In the present report, for several representative compounds, the results of electronic structure observation by XPS and summarized. In particular, the effects of chemical bond ionicity variation due to anion competition for the metal valence electrons are considered.
Brief Biography
Victor V. Atuchin received his B.Sc. degree in Radiophysics from Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia, in 1979 and his Ph.D. in solid state physics from Institute of Semiconductor Physics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk in 1993. In 1980, he joined the Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, where he is currently head of Laboratory of Optical Materials and Structures. Atuchin’s recent research interests focus on design, synthesis, characterization and exploration of advanced materials, including compound semiconductors, oxide and oxyhalide crystals, particularly in the areas of optical frequency conversion, solid state lighting, optical surface properties and thin film technology. He has authored over 290 publications and two books. Atuchin is a Member of IUCr and SPIE.
Brief Biography
Victor V. Atuchin received his B.Sc. degree in Radiophysics from Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia, in 1979 and his Ph.D. in solid state physics from Institute of Semiconductor Physics, SB RAS, Novosibirsk in 1993. In 1980, he joined the Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, where he is currently head of Laboratory of Optical Materials and Structures. Atuchin’s recent research interests focus on design, synthesis, characterization and exploration of advanced materials, including compound semiconductors, oxide and oxyhalide crystals, particularly in the areas of optical frequency conversion, solid state lighting, optical surface properties and thin film technology. He has authored over 290 publications and two books. Atuchin is a Member of IUCr and SPIE.
The Parameters of X-ray Patterns Required to Get Proper Structural Model.
报告人:Dr. Maxim Molokeev
The Parameters of X-ray Patterns Required to Get Proper Structural Model.
报告人:Dr. Maxim Molokeev
The structural model obtained from Rietveld refinement of the powder patterns is important to build structure-property relationships of bulk material. The doping is the most frequent structural modification which leads to small structural distortions but valuable change of physical properties. Any refinement gives average model with standard deviations of all parameters: V±ΔV; x±Δx, y±Δy, z±Δz, occ±Δocc, ΔBiso which depends on maximal intensity of diffraction peaks Imax and selected 2θ interval of powder pattern. Usually, experimental time and 2θ range are chosen wrongly, leading to large values of estimated standard deviations ΔV, (Δx, Δy, Δz), ΔBiso and the model cannot be used to prove/disprove small structural transformations, so structure-property relationships cannot be obtained. Extremely large experimental time and 2θ range can give desired information, but waste a lot of time, usually several days per one experiment. Currently, the relationships between ΔV, (Δx, Δy, Δz), Δocc, ΔBiso and Imax, 2θmax were evaluated, which can be used to predict the necessary and sufficient values of X-ray pattern parameters (Imax, 2θmax) to obtain desirable precise of structural model. Additionally it was shown how to estimate desirable precision of model before any experiments in order to validate performed structural modifications of the crystals.
Brief Biography
Maxim Molokeev received his M.Sc. degree in materials science from Siberian Aerospace University M.F. Reshetneva, Krasnoyarsk, Russia, in 2004 and his Ph.D. in solid state physics from Kirensky Institute of Physics, Krasnoyarsk in 2007. He was a scientific associate at Kirensky Institute of Physics from 2007 to 2013, and senior researcher at this institute from 2013 to present. In 2015, he joined the Department of Physics at Far Eastern State Transport University, Khabarovsk, and in 2017 became senior lecturer (Lecture – “Neutronography of magnetics”) at Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk. He has great experience of treatment X-ray/synchrotron/neutron diffraction from powder and single crystals; crystal/magnetic structure solving/refinement with and without incommensurate modulation using TOPAS 4.2, FULLPROF, JANA2006, SHELX, DASH; studying of phase transitions under temperature/pressure; group theoretical methods using ISOTROPY, ISODISPLACE and BILBAO. He has authored over 210 publications and three books. The H-index (Thompson Reuters) = 21. In 2016 he was awarded by Clarivate Analytics (the Department of Thompson Reuters) as a “Highly Cited Researcher Russia 2016”.
Brief Biography
Maxim Molokeev received his M.Sc. degree in materials science from Siberian Aerospace University M.F. Reshetneva, Krasnoyarsk, Russia, in 2004 and his Ph.D. in solid state physics from Kirensky Institute of Physics, Krasnoyarsk in 2007. He was a scientific associate at Kirensky Institute of Physics from 2007 to 2013, and senior researcher at this institute from 2013 to present. In 2015, he joined the Department of Physics at Far Eastern State Transport University, Khabarovsk, and in 2017 became senior lecturer (Lecture – “Neutronography of magnetics”) at Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk. He has great experience of treatment X-ray/synchrotron/neutron diffraction from powder and single crystals; crystal/magnetic structure solving/refinement with and without incommensurate modulation using TOPAS 4.2, FULLPROF, JANA2006, SHELX, DASH; studying of phase transitions under temperature/pressure; group theoretical methods using ISOTROPY, ISODISPLACE and BILBAO. He has authored over 210 publications and three books. The H-index (Thompson Reuters) = 21. In 2016 he was awarded by Clarivate Analytics (the Department of Thompson Reuters) as a “Highly Cited Researcher Russia 2016”.